April 21, 2012


I can only hope this baked prick ended up on a compost
heap somewhere

The editorial staff of The Steaming Poop blog has been steadfast in its support of the legalization of Marijuana -- and not just for medicinal purposes, either.

HOWEVER, on a late-afternoon walk through Golden Gate Park yesterday, I was quite stunned and angered at the amount of garbage left behind following the so-called 420 Day celebrations in the park. Seriously, you brought into the park, take it with you when you leave, assholes. It becomes a little difficult to defend people like you when this is how you treat the park.

Also, what does light beer have to do with the celebration? I mean, I thought only pussies drank light beer.

One amusing note, however. The McDonalds on Haight and Stanyan Streets was totally PACKED!


  1. Just another excuse to trash places in the name of freedom!

  2. right? often, it's the same pricks who ride their bikes through stoplights/signs, and then flip ME (or you) when you say something. sigh
