August 13, 2012


Oh man, my head would have exploded if I ever saw 
anything as awesome as this happening in my high school cafeteria

It hurt just a little bit when I looked at the calendar this morning and saw that it was on this day, back in 1982, the classic teen-sex comedy Fast Times At Ridgemont High was released.

Okay, actually, it hurt quite a bit because I saw it during its initial release.


Anyway, it's still a damn good film and if it isn't already, it should be on your Netflix queue.


  1. Thanks for sharing a clip of the movie! This movie is a bit older than me, so my coworker at Dish was shocked when she found out I have yet to see it. Hearing that she immediately made me a list of movies I need to see including this one. I just signed up for the Blockbuster @Home package earlier today too, so once I get my list fully made, I’ll be setting up my mailing queue and adding Fast Times at Ridgemont High to the very top. I’m excited to see it, especially since it stars a younger Sean Penn, and from what I’ve heard Nicolas Cage.

  2. very nice! enjoy the movie and thanks for the comment and for reading.
