February 6, 2010


1941's The Wolf Man is largely considered the last great horror film to be released by Univeral Pictures (a period that included classics such as The Mummy, Dracula, and Frankenstein). It's the type of film that, at least during this period in Hollywood, would never find it's place on a list of "Oscar nominess," which is too bad. At the top of that list should have been, for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Maria Ouspenskaya.

She plays the role of Maleva, the gypsy (and mother to the character played by Bela Lugosi) who gives Lon Chaney, Jr. (as Lyle Talbot, The Wolfman), his sad fortune:

Maleva: "Whoever is bitten by a werewolf and lives becomes a werewolf himself"

L. Talbot: "Ah, don't hand me that. You're just wasting your time"

Maleva: "The wolf bit you, didn't he?"

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