September 25, 2009


I recently decided to make the change from buying milk in a carton to buying milk in a bottle. It's a bit more expensive but the health and environmental benefits far outweigh the extra dollar it will cost.

Milk in plastic doesn't last as long and is exposed to the fluorescent rays in refrigerator units, making it turn sour quicker (if you prefer to buy your milk in plastic, grab the bottle that is behind the front bottle, it hasn't been exposed to the light bulbs like the front bottle has). Plus, plastic is bad for the environment.

Milk sold in cartons is a little better but you're then exposed to the dioxins that are used to bleach those cartons white. Dioxins are bad for you (duh).

Milk bottles are 100% recyclable (you usually pay a dollar deposit which you get back when the bottle is returned), and that's GREAT for the environment. Those same fluorescent rays cannot penetrate the glass bottle, making for a slightly longer shelf life. Plus, the milk tastes so MUCH better, the bottle is kinda cool looking and I love pushing the cream that's at the top down into the bottle and shaking it up.

Also, it turns out that the milk bottle comes from, like all good things, New York. Credit for the company that first started producing them goes to The New York Dairy Company, back in January of 1878.

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