September 22, 2009


So a mother takes a few pictures of her kids in the tub. What parent hasn't. What happened next is so stupefying, it defies logic.

The Demaree's of Peoria, Arizona took a memory stick to their local Wal-Mart store to have the photos on it printed. The clerk saw the pics (which included the picture above) and felt that in his/her eyes, it was child pornography, so the police were called to the store. The police agreed and the parents were arrested and their children were taken away for an entire year by CPS. The mother, who worked for the local school district, was fired and both parents were placed on local sex offender lists. One year and $75,000 (spent in legal fees) later, all charges were dropped and their children returned. The Demaree's are suing Wal-Mart and the DA who brought the case against them.

I hope they get millions for the nightmare this clerk put them through. Seriously, what kind of sick mind would think this qualified as child pornography? This clerk needs to be put in to therapy, PRONTO!

I think it's strange that Wal-Mart (and similar stores) can sell BRATZ dolls (sexualized pre-teen dolls), make-up, mini-skirts and crop shirts targeted to 8-year old girls but a picture of your two daughters wrapped in bath towels and hugging each other is defined as kiddie porn?

You can't have it both ways, America.


  1. Tell me about it. I think stories like this make people more hesitant about coming forward with REAL cases of crimes against kids. So sad.
