January 31, 2010

INSERT YOUR OWN HEADLINE HERE ('cause I just couldn't come up with one myself)

A former aide to 2004 Vice Presidential candidate and douche bag John Edwards, says that a sex tape he found of Edwards and Rielle Hunter (his campaign videographer) in the trash is now in a safe-deposit box.

Andrew Young claims him and his wife came across the tape in the trash of Ms. Hunter. Andrew goes on to say that him and his wife watched the video and were so disappointed and "just fell on the floor" when they saw what it was. He also goes on to claim that they never had any plans to sell the tape because they "couldn't have lived with themselves" if they had.

So, you "couldn't have lived with" yourself if you had sold the tape yet you're okay with putting it in a safe-deposit box and then going public with your "dumpster-dive" find? Oh wait, that's right, you have a book coming out.

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