April 5, 2010


. . . San Francisco (again).

A group that calls itself "Homes Not Jails" took over a property in the Mission District this weekend to protest the eviction of one local resident.

Unfortunately, the home in question is now owner-occupied (the evicted resident in question, just for the record, had lived in the home for 43 years and was given a one-year notice to vacate plus move costs).

After an afternoon of protests, the police knocked on the door and asked the group, that technically, had just committed the crime of "breaking and entry," if they were planning to leave. The group said they had "no immediate plans to leave."


Only in San Francisco would the police ASK a criminal if he (or she) was going to leave the scene of the crime, and only in San Francisco would you see an organization called "Homes Not Jails."

By the looks of the protesters, they're all relatively well-dressed, groomed, AND look like they already have homes.


  1. On Facebook today, one of my FB friends posted his own news item about San Francisco voting Mondays as vegetarian days. My FB friend posted the link with the comment saying how embarrassing SF is. I commented there, and I comment here, that bullshit like this is why I moved out of San Fran (one reason). No real issues are tackled (streamlining Muni, crime, high prices etc); instead the Bd of Supes never take ANY stand that will appear un-PC and so the atmosphere of PC is allowed to grow outta hand and foster BS like this (and nothing major gets done at city hall). PC indignation is the strongest social and political force in SF. And the big lie about SF is that "you can be anything you want in SF." Bullshit. You can only be something on the list of PC-approved lifestyles and opinion. Be or say something un-PC and you'll get the full force of PC indignation upon you. I got fed up. Piss off SF and good luck to you. Idjits.
