July 17, 2010


. . . San Francisco (again).

The Board of "Stupidvisors" and the Mayor are more interested in having pissing contests than actually doing stuff they were elected to do, you know, like run the city and county of San Francisco.

C.W. Nevius covers this issue today on SFGATE, writing about the competing hotel tax proposals (and how they really just cancel each other out), the "Sit and Lie" issue set to appear on the ballot this November and how they (those at city hall) just seem to be sitting around playing "nah-nah-nah-nah-nah" with each other.


  1. More even than indignation-as-passive-aggressive-punishment for being politically incorrect, or the high prices or the inability to find parking or the crime or dirt, THIS is the major issue that made me want to move out of SF. Effing City Hall Stupes who can't get anything done.

    Of course, now, you describe them doing something different: now they seem to be doing the new mode of politics in the USA of taking sides solely for the sake of taking sides no matter what the content of the issue. In my day, the Stupes got nothing done because they had testicles of jello and couldn't take any kind of stand and just push thru and do something (because they were afraid of appearing un-PC to some group's wishes). So they used to whittle down every proposed project until nothing of it remained. Thus, nothing got done.

    Fuckers. You can have SF. Enjoy.

  2. lol i don't want SF, you can have SF. ; )
