July 21, 2010


Hey Sarah, it's not your backyard, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to speak about the plans for a mosque being built a few blocks away from Ground Zero.

Oh wait, yes I do. You're a fame-seeking media-whore who sold herself out for the millions of dollars you've made as an "author" and Fox News contributor.

A couple of days had passed since Ms. Palin had received any news coverage, so it sounds like she was feeling a little ignored when she tweeted the following:

"Peace-seeking Muslins, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing."

"Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real."


For the record, I do not really have an issue with this, although I admit that I raised my eyebrows a bit when I first read about it. It's a private land deal and is costing tax payers nothing. I also understand why people are feeling the way they are about this, however, not every Muslim is a terrorist (just like not every priest is a pedophile).

This is a New York City NON-issue and is not one that Americans need to get their panties in a wad about. It should be a debate between the local citizens of Manhattan and their planning commission only, not political pundits on cable news shows.

So, hey Sarah, shut up and stop using fear as reason.

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