August 21, 2009


I remember when President Bush appointed Tom Ridge as head of Homeland Security after the 9/11 attacks. He seemed like a good fit for the job and talked up some good cock and bull about what the department's objective was. Plus, I thought he looked like a character straight out of a Dick Tracy comic (if not Dick Tracy himself).

Anyway, Ridge was in the news this morning, as he has a book coming out and he has become the latest in an increasingly long line of those who served in the previous administration to throw the President and Vice-President under the bus.

I certainly wasn't surprised to hear this but it seems that Ridge was pushed to raise the terror threat alert so the 2004 presidential election could be tipped in favor of Republican candidates, including the Cheney/Bush ticket (I always refer to them as Cheney/Bush as we all know that it was Dick Cheney who was really running the show and that Bush was just his muppet).

Ridge says he objected to raising the security level despite the urgings of former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and then-Attorney General John Ashcroft, according to a publicity release from Ridge's publisher. He said the episode convinced him to follow through with his plans to leave the administration; he resigned on Nov. 30, 2004.

Bush's former homeland security adviser, Frances Townsend, said Thursday that politics never played a role in determining alert levels.

I wouldn't have expected any other response.

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