August 25, 2009


I have decided to devote some time on educating people regarding escalator etiquette, as it seems that no one else is willing to take a stand on this serious issue.

Just like the picture shows above, standees need to step to the right, so the less lazy and more productive riders can go about their day and get to the top faster. Seriously folks, are you so out of shape and/or lazy that you can't even walk up a moving staircase? I'm aware that some people may have vertigo or some sort of issue that necessitates the need to not walk while the stairs are in motion but that doesn't mean that your selfish traveling companion gets to stand next to you and hold up the rest of the line behind him or her.


  1. and PLEASE... once at the top of the escalator, DO NOT STOP THERE LOOKING AROUND which way you'll go next. (This happens frequently in tourist cities.) People are still being ferried into your butt behind you. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!! (encountering that so often in San Fran on my way to work, I turned into a New Yorker type and eventually began pushing offenders out of the way.)
