October 18, 2010


I don't understand why these people are so upset? Tax rates are at their lowest since 1960, so I'm a little confused about their feeling of being over-taxed. Do they not realize that the roads they drive their gas-guzzling SUV's on were built with money from tax collection?

The teabaggers have shown that they're nothing more than a bunch of selfish, angry, racist WHITE suburbanites who just can't let go of the fact that a black man was elected President.

2010 is on track to become the first year where minority births outnumbered Caucasian births. I think the only thing these people are pissed off about is that they will no longer be the majority and that they may have to start answering to someone who's skin tone has a little more hue than their own.

Oh well, turnabout is fair play.

1 comment:

  1. They're an embarrassment. And they all seem so completely retarded, too!
