July 13, 2012


Sony Electronics and Nielsen Television Research this week released a list of the Top 20 Most Memorable Television Moments over the last 50 years. The study ranked the television moments based on the number of people who were watching the events on television, as they unfolded.

Here are the top 10:
  1. Sept. 11 attacks - 2001
  2. Hurricane Katrina - the levees break - 2005
  3. O.J. Simpson murder verdict - 1995
  4. Challenger space shuttle disaster - 1986
  5. Death of Osama bin Laden - 2011
  6. O.J. Simpson high-speed car chase - 1994
  7. Earthquake/tsunami in Japan - 2011
  8. Columbine school shooting - 1999
  9. BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico - 2010
  10. Funeral of Princess Diana - 1997
After looking at this list, I was very surprised that I had only seen two of these events live on television, as they were unfolding (the criteria on which the survey was based upon) - the O.J. Simpson murder verdict, and the O.J. Simpson high-speed car chase.

How many of these did you see?


  1. What particularly strikes me, reading this list, is that EVERY. SINGLE. F***ING. ONE. of these events are negative. Not one case of reporting a positive or uplifting story. Which reinforces my feeling that the media is a willing co-conspirator, with corporations and politicians, in keeping us fearful, malleable, and compliant. I gave up watching TV news years ago....and am much happier for it.

  2. hmm, interesting observation.
