July 21, 2011


If it looks a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck, right?

Not in this case.

It seems there is a fake Apple store located in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province in China. The dead giveaway should have been caught in picture one, as Apple is not in the habit of actually having the words APPLE on the outside of their stores, just their logo.

The store claims they're just an unauthorized dealer and are not selling knock-off's. It would be pretty funny if they were, in fact, selling knock-offs with names such as the iPAWD or the iFAUXN.

Very amusing.


  1. wait... the bottom photo, the guy in blue with a sign around his neck... he looks iFake. Is that some kinda' mannequin??

  2. Lol i'm pretty sure he's real.
