July 22, 2011


I find it amusing and confusing that Minnesota voters elected both Michele "Skidmark" Bachmann (R) AND Al Franken (D), two politicians who couldn't be more further apart on issues.

Here's a clip from the house hearings on the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Al kind of slams the head of Focus on the Family, who was caught trying to manipulate the results of a Department of Human and Health Services study on the effects of children who grow up in same sex marriages.

Give 'em hell, Al.


  1. um, I guess the same way we as a country could elect george w. bush and barack hussein obama. that video is great. I like what I've seen from him.

  2. hmmm, maybe. gwb was SElected for his first term by the supreme court and cheated his way into his second term.

    I like what i've seen as well, but not surprised at all. A lot of people said al franken couldn't be a senator because as a comedian, it was believed that no one would take him seriously and that HE wouldn't take the position seriously. he's an incredibly smart guy, well-read, does his research and i'm almost jealous he doesn't represent California. HEH!
