September 1, 2010


. . . San Francisco (again).

The one thing about the people of San Francisco that I find most amusing is their insatiable need to pick the wrong battles to fight.

Case in point, the High Bridge Gun Shop on Mission Street, a business that closed briefly after operating for over 50 years. It has applied for a permit to reopen and the locals are in a tizzy over it.

I'm not sure why they're against a business that had already been operating LONG before any of these so-called "neighborhood activists" arrived on the scene. There never seemed to be an issue when the store was originally open, so I don't get why everyone is so pissed off now.

Oh wait, I think I do:

"(they'd just) rather have something the neighborhood could enjoy - a laundry or wine and cheese shop" -- Jaime Ross, member of the Northwest Bernal Alliance (one of the three groups fighting the reopening of the gun store).

A laundry or wine and cheese shop? Yeah, because San Francisco doesn't already have enough of those already.


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