December 2, 2011


Sometime last year, cellphone manufacturer Sony Ericsson added the line "No unemployed candidates will be considered at all" to a job posting.

Since then, the practice seems to have caught on.

I read on SFGate this morning that several states are now having to pass laws making it illegal for employers to discriminate against job applicants who are currently unemployed.

I'd like to rant on about it, because that is such total bullshit, but it seems that people are more concerned with the look of the soda cans (see story below) they drink from, than the fact that a new class of citizens is now emerging:

The Permanently Unemployed

For shame.


  1. Increasingly, I hate the world.

    I wasn't sure I wanted to post that comment on THIS post of yours or on the Coke can post. Both make me tired and welcoming of the day that I finally croak and leave this dump full of dillweeds and doorknobs of people.

  2. lol you can post a comment on any post you'd want. i like it because it means someone other that me is reading this shit.
