August 26, 2010


I've been really bothered lately by the swelling "Islamiphobic" attitude in this country. Because the terrorists who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001 were Muslim, it's made it quite easy to hate, discriminate, and even physically attack those of the Muslim faith.

It's funny, but I don't remember anyone saying anything disparaging about the Irish after Timothy McVeigh blew up the federal building in Oklahoma?

Every day, more and more stories of anti-Muslim behavior are appearing in the news. A taxi driver in Manhattan was stabbed by a fare when he was asked if he was Muslim (he replied yes). People have been protesting the so-called Ground Zero mosque ever since it was announced. "It's a slap in the face of Americans," "it's disrespectful to the victims of 9/11," "they should build it somewhere else" or "they're just training grounds for terrorists" are some cries that have been heard.

Where else should it be built?

In Mursfreeboro, Tennessee, plans for a mosque were abandoned when the town changed it's zoning laws to prevent the project. Another project in Temecula, California is currently being protested as the location is near Camp Pendleton, a military base. Everyone is screaming "build it somewhere else." How can that happen when city after city finds different ways of scuttling the projects?

As an American, I find this embarrassing. Weren't we taught in school that America was the land of freedom? Isn't that why the pilgrims came here in the first place, for religious freedom?

As someone who was at the World Trade Center on September 11,2001 and was injured, I'm angered that what happened that day continues to be exploited for political purposes and for creating hate and discrimination against another group of people.

How dare anyone in this country deny someone the right to worship the God of their choosing. So much for "Christian Love," right? Oh and just for the record, I am agnostic, with a strong lean towards atheism.

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