March 9, 2010


At its peak, Detroit boasted a population of over 2 Million. It was the home of muscle cars and some of the BEST music ever recorded.

Today, it's a dying town of less than 1 million. The automakers have shutdown most of their plants and Motown Records is now located in Los Angeles, and much like the city it came from, is now a shell of what it once was.

In an attempt to deal with entire neighborhoods filled with trash-strewn vacant lots and burned out homes, Detroit city officials have announced plans to buy out remaining residents in these area (or use 'eminent domain' procedures), clear all that empty space and return it to fields or even farmland use. They are looking at a plan that includes 40 square miles (nearly the size of San Francisco).

A smaller, but similar and successful plan was carried out in Youngstown, OH. It's an interesting approach to a growing problem.

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