June 13, 2010


Facebook friend Greg introduced me to "Writers with Drinks" last night at the Make Out Room, on 22nd Street (btwn. Mission and Valencia). I'm not sure how much of a writer I am, but I was certainly happy to throw back a drink. In this case, it was a Pabst Blue Ribbon, pictured above.

Hosted by Charlie Anders, this event was a showcase of some great local writing talent, including Andrew Lam, and Taylor Mali, whom I found particularly brilliant. His poem "What Teachers Make" brought the house down.

It would be easy to dismiss something like this event (and it's locale) as a typically "Douchey Mission-Hipster" thing (and Greg did catch one of those 'Douchey Mission-Hipsters' wearing a messenger bag who kept eyes glued to his iPhone all night -- good eye, Greg), but I thought it was pretty cool and I look forward to their next event in August.

1 comment:

  1. PABST BLUE RIBBON?!!! And 22nd betw Mission & Valencia?? I'm sorry, but this whole affair sounds like dressing up garbage with pretension. Remember that I LOVE LUCY episode where Lucy mistakes a common tramp for someone important, and he makes demands on her as if he's to the manor born and she his servant? Same thing. Swine wearing pearls. Hey, everyone wants to imagine themselves important and hip. Kids playing dress-up is what this is.

    Hell, I live in the ghetto of Sacramento down by the sewage treatment plant, but I admit it!
