June 5, 2010


Just when you didn't think the news from Arizona couldn't get any worse.

A mural that was painted on the side of a school building to promote green transportation is the latest lightning rod in a series of racial issues in the state.

The Principal at Miller Valley Elementary School in the city of Prescott has asked the artists to "lighten the skin tones" of those depicted on the mural. It seems there are several races portrayed in the mural.

I'm saddened to announce that the artists are going ahead with the changes in skin tone.

Prescott City Council member Steve Blair has had a lot to say about this matter, as well. Mr. Blair hosts a talk show on local station KYCA, where he said:

"I am not a racist individual, but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of that mural, based upon who's president of the United States today and based upon the history of this community when I grew up, we had four black families - who I have been very good friends with for years - to depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would have to ask the question, 'Why?'

Huh? He's not even making any sense, but wait, it gets better.

Mr. Blair also goes on to say: "I'm not a racist by any stretch of the imagination, but whenever people start talking about diversity, it's a word I can't stand."

I'm curious, Mr. Blair, what word is it that you can't stand? Is it the word "Racist" or the word "Diversity?" He later went on to say "the focus doesn't need to be on what's different; the focus doesn't need to be on the minority all the time."

Wow, what an ASSHOLE.

By the way, anytime you begin a sentence with the phrase "I am not a racist," then yes, you ARE a racist.


  1. I really hate this world.. er, this country, right now. The politicians AND the citizenry completely suck. Not to mention the economy, the environment (both of these fucked up by politicians who let shit happen so their friend$ could save a buck and zip them thru regulations) and, oh, just everything. We're at the end. We really are. The once great USA is dead. Dead as Gary Coleman. BTW, today I saw a headline that people are just completely pissed off at politicians and government and polls show that people will likely just vote for anyone NOT currently in office.

    STOP THE PRESSES!... I just saw THIS opening to a NYTimes article: "A hodgepodge of oversight agencies granted exceptions to rules, allowed risks to accumulate and made a disaster more likely..." See? Asshats.

  2. LOL i was just reading a few minutes ago about the "hodgepodge of oversight agencies"

