June 18, 2010


. . . Complaining about nonsensical stuff and fighting against something that could actually benefit themselves and the community.

Actually, I had planned on posting this entry under the headline "The Most Ridiculous City In The World Is . . . San Francisco," but the city is trying to do something pretty cool. Unfortunately, "neighborhood activists" are standing in the way of progress.

The city wants to demolish the North Beach Branch of the San Francisco Public Library. Built in 1959, this single-story building was set to be replaced with an 8,500 square foot, two-story structure that is more accessible, attractive, and able to better serve the neighborhood's needs. Unfortunately, these "neighborhood activists" are fighting the project because they will lose some parking spots (the building will be expanded onto a stretch of Mason Street) and the project slightly cuts into Joe DiMaggio Park, named after the beloved native son because it's where he learned to play baseball.

Using the ridiculous "Landmark Designation" ploy, these "activists" were able to convince the city planning commission to grant the above mentioned status (final vote was 4-3), temporarily stopping the project in it's tracks. The Board of Supervisors will have the final say, however, and I hope they make the right call on this one and allow the project to continue. The current building is ugly, out-dated and has no architectural significance at all (just look at the picture). I'm just amazed that people would fight AGAINST the expansion of a Library.

But then, this is San Francisco, a city where people consistently waste their time choosing the wrong battles to fight.

1 comment:

  1. This is *EXACTLY* the bullshit I refer to when I mention that almost NOTHING can get done in San Francisco because every goddam group shuts down every project by complaining about their P.C. toes being stepped on, their rights being denied, blah blah blah. Again I say, indignation is the mode of civic engagement in San Francisco. The mode of protest. And it's fucking disgusting, in itself, and for stopping every forward movement. AND it's disgusting because city leaders cower from it and back off all their plans because they're afraid their govt careers will end if they take a stand for something they believe in.. Believing in something anti-P.C. in San Francisco will be the death of one's career and will ruin a person's personal reputation (again, this is true when one LETS the PC-army get away with it by not answering back to them). UGH!!!!!!!

    Seeing more of this bullshit makes me glad I moved out (and this is WHY) of SF. It strikes me now that I'd rather deal with naive, backward idiot governments than spineless govt and passive-aggressive indignation from the PC army. UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! BARRRRRF!!
