March 10, 2011


. . . San Francisco.

Well, actually, I should say "The Most Ridiculous People In The World Are San Franciscans," because in this case, that description applies.

Russian Hill residents are in a tissy over the possible lost of a parking garage and it's 58 spaces. Pictured above, the 1920's-era structure is set to be turned into 7 condominiums. I suppose the loss of 58 parking spaces is something to be concerned about, but it turns out that of those 58 spaces, only 14 are currently being rented. Also, some of the excuses being used to defend the saving of those coveted spaces are:
  • an increase in air pollution
  • more street traffic
  • (my personal favourite) some residents will be forced to hike hundreds of yards over hilly terrain from their cars to their homes.
Forced to hike HUNDREDS of yards over hilly terrain? My god, you would think these people were living in the jagged and treacherous mountains that surround Afghanistan. How insanely dramatic (and lazy) can you get?

You know, there's a reason why Russian Hill is called Russian Hill. IT'S ON A HILL!

So, if you can't handle walking your fat, self-entitled ass up and down a hill, then perhaps you shouldn't have moved to a part of town called RUSSIAN HILL!

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